Our Homeless Ministry Partners

Unite To Defeat Homelessness in Seattle



What does it mean to care for the poor and homeless?


First, it means we need to meet them where they are.


But second, it means we don’t just leave them there.



James 2:15 says, “If brother or sister are naked and lacking daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what is the benefit?” (DLNT)


We want to meet real needs.


Find the root causes of homelessness in each individual homeless person’s life.


Help them start a new life.


To do that, we want to partner with other nonprofit homeless ministries, individuals, businesses, and anyone else who wants to break the cycle of poverty and end homelessness in Seattle.


One can put a thousand to flight. But two can put ten thousand.


We can do much more together than we can on our own.



We invite you to partner with us.



Contact us if you want to help.



Here’s a list of organizations we already partner with as we work to end homelessness:



United Life Ministries


United Life is a gathering of followers of Jesus Christ. We meet at 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM on Sundays, with a children’s program at our 10:30 AM service. The adult worship service takes place on the top floor of the Vision Dream Center (the large grey structure located at the south end of the campus), and the children’s worship is on the bottom floor of the same building. We also meet together throughout the week in Kingdom Groups. These groups are made up of 8 to 15 members, and build community in a way that goes beyond small talk. They are led by fellow United Life members who would love to hear from you, and they would love even more for you to come and visit!





Ickthus Youth Ministry


The youth ministry of United Presbyterian Church of Seattle. Pronounced as “Ickthus (ICK-THIS).”





Every Nation Church Seattle


Every Nation Church Seattle is a diverse group of college students, singles and families, young and old(er). So no matter who you are, we’re sure you’ll fit right in. We’re certainly not a perfect church, but we aim to be a warm and caring church, because we believe love changes everything. We invite you to visit us on a Sunday morning because we believe the love of God can change your life too.





New Life Fellowship


New Life Fellowship is a Christian Church in Seattle, WA, but our mission is leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ across the globe.
Please join our giving plan. Give in order to be blessed. It is, in our vision, a part of our worship to God. He wants us to understand the blessings that come to those who give with a cheerful heart.

