About Us

How do we solve homelessness in Seattle and in other major cities?


Through relationships.


Meeting basic needs is important. But free food, clothing, and shelters won’t stall the epidemic of despair and dysfunction that keeps leading more people to the streets.


Look at the data. We need a new approach. And Babysteps, in just a few years, has already helped several chronically homeless adults get off the streets and start new lives.


Learn how we do it, and then get in touch with us if you want to volunteer and make homelessness personal.


Our ultimate goal is to open a house to counsel homeless people. There, we’ll walk with them as they make the hard choices and build the confidence they’ll need to re-establish their lives.

Our Core Beliefs

Care for the Whole Person

Babysteps is guided by four beliefs, centered in the work of Jesus. We believe in development, not relief. And this happens through acceptance, relationship, and guidance – what we call ‘discipleship’.

Our Mission

Relate, Empower, Transform

It’s not about stuff. It’s about relationships. Most homeless people are used to so many negative forces operating in their lives, that the idea of overcoming them all just feels impossible. They need a guide – someone to help them take the small steps (baby steps!) – to help lead them back to a place of dignity, self-worth, and confidence.

Our Statement of Faith

The Beliefs that Motivate Us

Our beliefs are central to our mission and the work that we do. We have outlined our basic beliefs to demonstrate our conviction to follow God.

Our Curriculum

Holistic Hardware

The ultimate goal is to help people trapped in homelessness start a new cycle of life. When each individual is ready for it, we have a program called Holistic Hardware, developed by a Harvard-educated leader of a homeless nonprofit in Harlem. This program guides the person through 10 foundational areas of personal development that are essential for anyone who wants lasting change in their lives.

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