Homeless Ministry Events & Trainings


Take a Risk – 2 Ways You Can Learn How to Talk to a Homeless Person

You learn by doing.

It’s not easy at first. But when you come to a Relational Meal Event to serve food to the homeless and start conversations with them, you’ll be changed forever. You’ll never see yourself the same way, and you’ll never see poverty the same way.

If you want to help a homeless person – just one – it begins with relationship. And the best way to begin a relationship is with food.

serving food in a homeless ministry event for babysteps
If you want to do something that has immediate impact on a homeless person, here are two ways you can take your first step.


1. Come serve at a Saturday Meal Event

You can help serve food to about a hundred homeless people, two times per month.

Ways to help include:

  • Pray and prepare food beforehand
  • Serve food on Saturday
  • Start conversations with a purpose – talk to homeless people as they eat and offer to pray with them

We serve food for two reasons. First, because they’re hungry. But second, we serve food to create an environment for starting [/one_half]

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true homeless story of man who got off the streets in Seattle

Vision Valley Victory.

Get your free copy of Andre Starks’ journey in and out of homelessness.

Simply fill out the form, and get access to this true story eBook.

[/one_half] conversations and building relationships that can continue in the weeks afterward.Our goal is a homeless ministry that follows up with people and meets with them during the weeks afterward. But it all begins with that meal. And that’s where we need you!

Also, we serve healthy, hearty food that benefits their minds and bodies, not doughnuts, chips, and fried chicken like some groups.

See the List of Upcoming Meal Events here


2. Come to a Homeless Volunteer Training

If serving food and talking to homeless people sounds a little scary, that’s okay! Talking to anyone you don’t know can be intimidating, homeless or not.

We’ve developed a homeless ministry training course that inspires and equips every person who comes. Even if you never come to a meal event, you’ll be able to use the skills and insights you learn here in other ministry areas. This is the most advanced free training you’ll ever find. It’s so good we’ve gotten requests for our materials from across the country.

Every person who attends this training walks away impressed and empowered.

Learn more and sign up for a training here


If you come to one Event, you’ll see a bunch of strangers.
If you come to several, you’ll start to recognize them.
After a while, you might discover you’ve become someone’s friend.