Our Core Beliefs

What Do We Believe About Helping The Homeless?


Babysteps has four core beliefs about what it means to help the homeless. Also, we’re a non-denominational ministry that is based on the Biblical Jesus Christ and what he did and taught. We do not proselytize to the homeless. We are not there to preach on the streets. However, we are guided by our faith.


Jesus taught us to go to the lost sheep, people harassed by life, and the hopeless. And that’s exactly what we do. Here are our four beliefs about helping the homeless.



Growth and Healing Through Relationships


We believe in a relational ministry. Homeless people in Seattle do not need another dollar or more free food. They need the love of Jesus expressed through you and us – his ambassadors. We seek to love those the world wishes would just go away.



Helping the homeless depends on trust and relationship like in this photo at a meal event in the park



Care for the Whole Person


We believe in helping the homeless and the poor in Seattle get back on their feet. We use a program called Holistic Hardware, which was pioneered by Joe Holland in Harlem about 20 years ago. He has led countless people out of homelessness through his approach.



Development, not Relief


We believe giving away free things to the homeless doesn’t help if that’s all you do. In fact, we believe it hurts – both them and us. Research reveals a profound difference between relief and development. The only reason Babysteps gives anything away is as a means to an end. And that end is to build relationships and empower each homeless friend to take the small steps (baby steps!) that will lead them to the life they want.


Read an amazing story of an empowered (formerly) homeless friend



We’re Stronger Together


We believe in working together to defeat homelessness in Seattle and King County. We want to unite the community, other nonprofits, businesses, and churches – each with different strengths that intertwine into a strong cord not easily broken. We build together, and invite volunteers to build with us.


Come join us on a Saturday event and get to know your homeless neighbors!


Sign up to be a volunteer


See our upcoming events


Learn more about Babysteps method